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Avalanche Level 1 Module 1

Thank you for your interest in our Avalanche Level 1 class.  For people interested in Senior this is considered a senior elective.  Be sure to enroll with National to receive credit for course.  

Please complete the following form.  This includes reading and electronically signing the waiver. 


    ****Check here to confirm your signature to and acceptance of the release displayed above.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Address (required)

    Phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

    Home Patrol (required)

    NSPID# (required)


    Are you a student or instructor/support? Please select only 1 option by placing a #1 in your selection:

    Student: OR Instructor/support:

    [calculate_button "Calculate your total $"]

    Please wait for PayPal. You will be registered & redirected to PayPal for payment. If you are event staff you will be registered using the payment button but not sent to paypal

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