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Certified Pre-Qualification/Recert Clinic

Thank you for your interest in our certified program.  This clinic is for qualification for the certified program or re-certification.  You also sign up here if you plan to be a support staff for our clinic.

As always you will need to sign a waiver to participate on any level.  The waiver is below, please read and check the acknowledgment box.  If you need credit, enroll in the class on NSP.ORG.

Copy of 2024 NSP Certified Event Training Release


    Check here to confirm your signature to and acceptance of the release displayed above.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Please let us know if you will be attending Saturday, Sunday or both Days.


    Will you be attending as Event staff/support, for re-certification or are you attending to qualify? Please select all that apply:

    Select Ski, Board or Telemark (required):


    Your Address (required)

    Phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

    NSPID# (required)

    Home Patrol (required)

    Region (required)


    DO NOT hit submit twice, it may take a minute or two.

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