NSP-C Snowsports School

Welcome to the NSP-C Snowsports School!  We are excited to have many offerings for you this year to improve your ski/riding skills.   Events are scheduled and ready for you.  All events noted with * will include a variety of sessions for different interests such as: ski/ride enhancement for more fun on the slopes, ski dynamics, preparing for senior, becoming a better trainer, PSIA prep, tele skiing, and more!   See the OET Resources page for snow sports videos and podcast links.

If you have questions about the requirements for senior candidates to test or for becoming or continuing as a Region Instructor or Senior Alpine Evaluator, check out this >QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE

Additional Links:

Central Division NSP-C Ski School

NSP-C Ohio Region Instructor Application & Observation Form for New Instructors & Senior ski/ride TE

Central Division Skills Resource Site

OET Resources Page


Please contact Brook Patten, Snow Sports Advisor: for more info.



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